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I Like Reading Newspapers(我爱看报),I Like Reading Newspaper
更新时间: 2024-09-17 20:43:43

I Lik Rading Nwspaprs(我爱看报),I Lik Rading NwspaprI Lik Rading Nwspaprs(我爱看报)英语 I Lik Rading Nwspaprs

I Like Reading Newspapers(我爱看报),I Like Reading Newspaper

As studnts, w usually gt th information through watching TV, rading nwspaprs, surfing th nt and so on. I lik rading nwspaprs bst. It's impossibl for us to watch TV and us computrs frly but w can gt all kinds of nws from nwspaprs. Nwspaprs not only bring nws to us, but also provid us with many othr things, such as how to cook. I lik rading diffrnt kinds of nwspaprs. Thy ar indd a grat hlp to m. I Lik Rading Nwspaprs(我爱看报)英语

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